Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Fashion Ilustrations - inspiration for Portfolio.

Merry Christmas to everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying the season.
Feliz Navidad a todos! Espero que todos esteis pasandolo bien.

Over the Christmas period; as this is my 3rd and final year in my fashion and textiles degree, some of my homework is to think about my portfolio and  to begin organizing how I would lay out the pages. So I have started looking at ilustrations and technical drawings, I've looked on fashion portfolio websites and pages such as Arts Thread, of which I have come across a few images that I like and that catch my eye.
So I thought I'd put a few up here so to keep me inspired and hopefully to inspire others!

Designer Fashion Workshops  I picked this ilustration as I really like the freedom in the lines. The sketch is quite simple but contains everything needed and is pleasing to the eye. It looks like painted

Fashion SketchingFashion Workshops of International Arts Instructor Cynthia Padilla padillapost2@gmail.com.
These drawings look more polished-I wonder if they have been assisted by Photoshop or some other computer program. I like the proportion of the figures; with their look thin legs.

Amazon.com: Figure Templates for Fashion Illustration: Over 150
Patrick John Ireland is a member of Britain's Chartered Society of Designers and bestselling author of several books on fashion.
I like the drawings of the figures as well as the garments. I also like the contrast of the grey skin tone against the bright colours of the garments.

Susanna Ngao

Fashion Design Resume — New York, NY.
I love the flow of this drawing. For something so simple I find it really captivating. I aspire to draw like this;  with such fluidity by such a simple line. This looks as if it is drawn with either a hard pencil or koln.
  Drawn by Andres Chavez in ink.
I love the textures achieved with the brush stokes and shading with the different tomes of colours.
Lady Gaga sketch by Hayden WilliamsLady Gaga by Hayden Williams. Hayden Williams
I'm not familiar with Haydon Williams-but I have found some amazing figures. Drawn with just pencil or coloured pencils, but the figures have a good flow from the figure to the dress.

Vera Wang "Holly" Spring  2012Marker and InkAlthough I don't overly like the ilustration and in my opinion it's not drawn perfectly. But I like the angle of the figure with the volume and frills of the fish tail skirt.
Hayden Williams: The Architecture Collection Hayden Williams.
Love the figures and the designs! Monocrome with the black and white. I think these are very me!

Leanne Marshall. I like the water colours used on this drawing. I always thought water colours could be a little messy but this has shown me wrong, also shows how vibrant the colours can be.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Hollywood Costume exhibition

Yesterday I was lucky enough to go to London and visit two shows; Hollywood Costume exhibition in the Victorian and Albert Museum and the Valentino exhibition in Somerset House.
Firstly I went to the V&A to see the Hollywood Costume exhibition and I have to say it was amazing! I didn’t expect them to have such a large amount of costumes-they filled 3 separate rooms! And there were costumes from all types of films and eras, I loved it!
They were spread out in the middle of the rooms where the public could literally go right up to them, they were not behind any glass so you could see them properly and they were so close you could have touched them. Of course you can’t do that! You couldn’t take pictures or even sketch which I found a bit harsh but where there’s a will there’s a way!
Royal section of exhibition.

As I was walking around the “Royal” section where they had costumes from Shakespeare in Love and Elizabeth, I couldn’t help myself but try to take a few sneaky pics! I love period films and I am obsessed with Tudor fashion (doing my final project in Spain based on Elizabeth I) so this was the perfect opportunity to see them up close. And they didn’t disappoint-the fabric and the beading on them were astounding. The headpieces and ruffles looked so pristine and beautifully made; I remember looking at one gown that has pearls that where sewn all the way around the hem of the outer skirt-It was beautiful.

Another costume I loved was Cruela DeVil from the Disney film of 101 Dalmatians. They has two costumes there which demonstrated the two sides of Cruela; one where she had become nice and loved animals and other when she returns to her usual evil self. I loved looking at them both and noticing the difference between them even though they were very similar. The bad version had a longer skirt, the pointy shoes were shinier and even though the print was virtually the same print although the bad version had a metallic thread through it so it gave it another edge.

Cruela DeVil.
Other costumes I loved were Audrey Hepburn out of My Fair Lady, Kate Winslet from Titanic and Vivienne Leigh from West Side Story.
                       West side Story                                              Katherine and Audrey Hepburn

But it wasn’t until the end that I thought I was going to explode! Right at the end of the last room, the last two costumes were Judy Garlands dress from The Wizard of Oz and Marilyn Monroe in the Seven Year Itch!!(The white one!) They were amazing to see and analyse while standing there. Even the Dorothy’s red shoes were there and were beautiful. I especially took a while analysing Marilyn’s dress-her waist and under bust were tiny! And then comparing them to her boobs they looked so big for her size! The dress hung beautifully and it was lovely to be able to see such iconic costumes.
Judy Garland's dress from the Wizard of Oz.

The shoes!

Marilyn Monroe dress from Seven Year Itch.

There was so much more of the exhibition; there was a Robert Deniro area, they had costumes from Cleopatra, Gladiator, Indiana Jones, The Addams family, Dracula, Die Hard, Rocky, Spiderman and Cat woman as well as loads of others. I would defiantly advise anyone who is interested in costumes or even just an enthusiastic film fan to go and visit the exhibition. I loved the really old costumes such as Audrey and Marilyn but I would be confident in taking my fiancé there as well as there was loads of newer and action films. I’m defiantly going to try and get back there again and try to take my Mum as I’m sure she would enjoy it as well!

Some of the other costumes in the exhibition.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

London College of Art Exhibition celebrating 175 years.

This week I had a trip out to London.  During my trip, I went to the London College of Art to visit their exhibition that is celebrating 175 years of the school. It showcased some of their previous students work such as Christopher Bailey and Henry Moore. If I’m honest I didn’t know what to expect; the exhibition was quite big and consisted of different kinds of art, sculpture and a bit of fashion. I had a little mooch around and found some items and pieces really interesting-I didn’t know very many artists there but there were plenty of different pieces to keep you intrigued. The exhibition is free to enter and it was prohibited to take pictures-though I did take a few!

 I found this sculpture quite intreeging. I don’t know its significance but I enjoyed looking at it. The smoothness of the circular forms and being made in a stainless steels gives it an appealing visual look.  
Line of Thought by Tony Cragg 2002

I loved this sculpture, I found it really eye catching and different. I don’t know what the meaning is but I understood it as a protective significance as the tiger was growling and shoots out spikes of protection.

Spike by David Mach 2012

A couple of painting I did like was these ones;

I didn’t realize until after, but they are painted by the musician Ian Dury. I thought they were very different to what else was in the gallery. I found them quite feministic to begin with but now I am wondering if there was another meaning behind them.
(And I did Google Jemima Proust and from what I can gather she isn’t a real person!)